Wednesday, September 2, 2009

They love me...

Really. They do.

Hayden has gotten into this cute little habit of saying "Mommy" about 15 times until I am annoyed... finally, after the 15th "What?" He touches my face, smiles, and says, "Luss you." He also comes up to me and randomly asks for "Big hugs!" or just wants to snuggle. He loves sitting in my lap under a blanket, and I have to say, I love it, too.

He melts me.

Cooper and Lucas flash me the biggest smiles when they see me in the morning. They start "talking" and telling me all about their nights. When I pick them up in the mornings, or during the day when they've been fussing, they just give me the biggest little hugs (oxymoron, I know). When they nurse, they reach up and play with my face, and for the past 2 nights, Cooper has slept 12 hours. Last night, even Lucas joined in.

They melt me.

The most amazing thing about all three of my boys, is that when they see their brothers, they all smile. Knowing that they are all so young, yet have already developed this bond amazes me. The love they have for each is more precious than anything I've ever seen.

I really love being a mom. There's nothing like it.

1 comment:

  1. Aww!!! Mornings can be know, trying to get three children fed and dressed for the day and then yourself if you're lucky...but I love how Seth comes into our room in the morning and I can just hug on his and snuggle with him. Ahhhh.... :)
