Wednesday, January 27, 2010


My babies are one today. My heart broke just a little when I woke up and realized it.

Looking back over the past year, I'm quite proud of our family. We've faced our shared of challenges- sleepless night, screaming times two, double the diapers, etc - but we've had a great deal of wonderful times as well.

I woke up this morning, not to sounds of crying, but to my baby boys chatting to each other in their cribs. When I went to get them, I found they had both taken off their pants and thought it was just the funniest thing! When I sang "Happy Birthday" to them, they both giggled hysterically, stood up and reached out to me. It made me realize that even though the day says they're toddlers, they're still MY babies.

Today marks the end of my breastfeeding our boys... or does it? When I began whimpering about "my last day of nursing" to Michael this morning, he simply said, "You don't have to stop." I know that I don't, but I also know that it has to stop sometime. I'll let you know tomorrow if that day is today...

I know we have many more adventures ahead of us and I'm excited to face them with my family. Afterall, our new-toddlers are what made us complete. :)

Monday, January 18, 2010


We had a great year in 2009. We started the year by welcoming our twins into our lives and we closed the year by buying and moving into our first home.

The months in between were full of ups and downs, but we made. We had lots of fights and tears but even more hugs and laughter.

Michael and I grew together as a couple and grew more into our roles as parents. We watched our family get acquainted and adjust to being a group of 5. Our boys have grown closer and closer and are now quite the little trio.

We definitely write 2009 off as a success. Here's to hoping 2010 brings just as much joy!

We decked our halls, but it wasn't a silent night

Christmas was a time of fun and excitement in our house this year! Hayden really caught on to the celebration and took it alllll in. He met Santa and asked for dinosaurs. When anyone asked what Santa was bringing him, he replied, "Dinosaurs! PRESENTS! TOYS!"

We went for a drive after dark a few nights before Christmas and he was just mesmerized by the lights. He saw and inflatable Santa and yelled "HE'S COMING!!!!!" with such intensity I nearly wrecked the car. Every few houses he would scream, "MOMMY! MOOOORE lights!" It was the sweetest, cutest, funniest thing I'd ever seen or heard.

Since we didn't move into our house until December 5, we were a little late putting up our tree. We finally got around to it about 1 week before the holiday. We waited to do it until the boys were all asleep which turned out to be a big mistake! At 6 am the morning after the tree went up, there was a little boy in our bedroom yelling, "Mommy! There's a CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!" He was sooooo excited that when I mumbled about him going back to bed, it made him cry. I felt so bad and let him crawl into bed with Mommy and Daddy. (I'll save the can of worms that opened for another post :) )

Christmas Eve was a late night for us as we spent the evening at Michael's mother's house. After putting the twins to bed and getting Hayden in his pajamas, we grabbed the comuter to check out Santa's location only to see: "Santa is currently in Atlanta, GA. Next Stop: Charleston, SC ETA 2 minutes!" Seeing that I was very much in the holiday spirit, I yelled at Hayden that Santa would be here ANY minute and he had to go sleep or else Santa wouldn't leave him any presents. I have never seen a child run so fast to go to bed. He jumped right in, covered up, and said, "Night night, Mommy. Sleep! Santa is cooooming!" I wish it was Christmas Eve every night!

Christmas morning was lots of fun. It was so wonderful to watch all of our boys open their gifts and get so excited over their new things. This was our first Christmas with our family complete and it was honestly a perfect Christmas.

I can't wait to spend many more Christmases with our family.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The New House

After nearly 2 years of planning, looking, and working toward buying our first home, all our efforts paid off. We were able to build a beautiful home for our family and have, at last, moved in!

We closed on our house Dec. 4. This was such a special event for me because it's my father's birthday. My father passed away 2 years ago this month, and my inheritance is what funded our down payment. To close on his birthday made it even more special for me.

December 5 was the great move-in! Unfortunately, it didn't go as smoothly as we'd hoped, but in the end, all was fine. Since the holidays were fast approaching, we did a very speedy move. Within 2 weeks of moving we had every box unpacked, every room arranged, and all the extras were stored in the attic!

We have lived in our house for 1 month and 1 week now. We love it! It has made our life with 3 small boys so much better. Getting out of the house on my own with the kids isn't such a struggle anymore since we don't have stairs and the car in conveniently parked in the garage.

Oh, and that tax credit is going to be pretty nice as well :)

A blogging to-do list

I was catching up on Krista's blog and she gave me a great idea about making a list of things I've been meaning to post on here whenever I get the chance!

Here goes:
--A review of 2009
--Twin Milestones (or lack there of)
--Hayden in all his glory
--Imaginary friends and playdates.

Now to just get around to spelling it all out :)