Saturday, September 5, 2009


Many people are unfortunate in that they don't get along with their in-laws. I am not one of those people.

Michael's family is incredible. His mother is always willing to help us out with watching the boys if we need to be somewhere and can't take the kids, or if we simply want a night to ourselves. She's even braved a trip to Kentucky with the boys and I just so my family could meet the twins.

His father is equally wonderful and always willing to help us in any way that he can. He and his wife, Debra, showed their generosity in extremes today. We went over for dinner and were greeted with 6 boxes of diapers (4 for the twins, 2 for Hayden), 84 jars of baby food, 2 boxes of oatmeal, 2 packs of wipes, and a stash of other goodies. When we asked them why they did this, they responded, "Because we can."

I'm very blessed to have such wonderful in-laws. Good thing Michael has superb in-laws too ;).

Yes, you did see that I said diapers for the twin. Yes, I did post recently that we had switched to cloth. I love my cloth diapers. They are awesome, they don't leak, they are cute, and they are cheap. However, they aren't so cheap as to be free. I'm not one to turn my nose up at a generous gift, so we will use the gift diapers and I will just be thankful that I have a little less laundry to wash while we do :).

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