Thursday, September 3, 2009

Black & Blue & Broken

Yesterday evening, a lady came by to pick up some things we were giving away. When she walked in, my living room was a bit trashed. We had a blanket spread out with toys everywhere. Hayden was playing with his toys in there and the twins were in their exersaucer and jumperoo. As soon as she looked in there, she asked, "Oh! Do you run a daycare?" Hmph! NO! They're mine!

After that fun, I was helping her carry two big boxes of pots and pans down to her car. Stupid me missed the last couple of steps and had a nice fall. The box hit my leg leaving a nice cut and large bruise. It also struck me under the chin which left a small cut, big bruise, and threw my head back giving me a, now, stiff neck. My shoulder came down on the railing leaving it bruised in an area that is about 6 inches wide and 3 inches long. My head hit the corner of the post, which left me seeing stars and with an awful head ache.

I also cut my ankle. Now, as I said, I hit my head, and I don't remember the specifics of what my body did when I fell. My ankle didn't hurt after I fell, so I didn't think anything of it until I bent down later in the evening and heard a loud "pop". After that, I could barely walk and my ankle swelled to the size of a softball. We went and had xrays done this morning and found that the foot is fractured right below my ankle. I've also pulled every ligament and tendon in my ankle.

Can I just say that I hurt? A lot?

I like to do things the right way. :)

1 comment:

  1. Fractured foot?!?! I did not know that! I am so sorry, Savannah...ouch! Will/do you have a walking cast? or are you hobbling around? I hope your foot heals very soon!
