My babies are one today. My heart broke just a little when I woke up and realized it.
Looking back over the past year, I'm quite proud of our family. We've faced our shared of challenges- sleepless night, screaming times two, double the diapers, etc - but we've had a great deal of wonderful times as well.
I woke up this morning, not to sounds of crying, but to my baby boys chatting to each other in their cribs. When I went to get them, I found they had both taken off their pants and thought it was just the funniest thing! When I sang "Happy Birthday" to them, they both giggled hysterically, stood up and reached out to me. It made me realize that even though the day says they're toddlers, they're still MY babies.
Today marks the end of my breastfeeding our boys... or does it? When I began whimpering about "my last day of nursing" to Michael this morning, he simply said, "You don't have to stop." I know that I don't, but I also know that it has to stop sometime. I'll let you know tomorrow if that day is today...
I know we have many more adventures ahead of us and I'm excited to face them with my family. Afterall, our new-toddlers are what made us complete. :)
Happy Birthday boys...... *sniff... it's going by so quickly xx