Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Waving Babies and Resourceful Toddlers

My children never fail to amaze me. Last week, when I said "Hi" to Lucas one day, he raised his hand as if to wave. I brushed it off as just a coincidence, albeit an adorable one!

Today, after the twins were finished nursing and we were just snuggling, Cooper looks up at me and full on waves. When I waved back and asked him to do it again, he just laughed and laughed and laughed.

My boys can wave! They can barely sit. They don't even know crawling exists, yet they can wave! Absolutely incredible.

Now to my resourceful two-year-old. He came into the bedroom and asked to get on the bed with the twins and I while I nursed. I don't let him do this, as he is a major distraction to C&L and they prefer to watch him play than to eat. I told him he couldn't get up there, so he went to living room, emptied his basket of balls, brought the basket in the bedroom, turned it upside down, and climbed up on the bed. Even a toddler knows that "where there's a will, there's a way"!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Hayden! Smart little boy!!! :)

    When Jack and Ian were only maybe two months old, my dad was waving at Ian and he waved back...we KNOW he did! :D
