I have so much to post on here, yet I never seem to have the time to do it!
Let's see... To follow up from my last post. It's been a week. We were supposed to move today, but that didn't happen. We had to push the closing back to this Friday; something to do with the power company and having to wait on them to get out to the house. I'm praying they go out tomorrow, otherwise we'll have another delay and that will add more stress to my already overloaded burden-backpack.
Why so stressed you ask? Our lease was up October 31. Yes, that was over a month ago. Our property manager was awesome about letting us keep an extra month without an increase in rent. After that, she was kind enough to pro-rate us for an extra week. I'm afraid she won't be so understanding if we have to ask for yet another week.
We're supposed to get an update from the builder tomorrow. I'm really hoping they don't wait until 3 days before our move to say we have to wait again. I'm not a very patient person, nor do I handle stress with the most grace.
Happy Notes: My boys are so stinking beautiful it melts me. I love the way they light up when they see me. The twins have gotten into the habit of giving big hugs and those slimy kisses on a regular basis. I absolutely love it. LOVE IT! Hayden has been pretty snuggly lately, too. He says, "I wanna hold you, Mommy" which means he wants me to hold him. I love that he finally wants to let me love on him again. I thought it was gone forever, but my boy finally wants his Mommy again.
All three boys have been very clingy to their Mama lately. It's really sweet and I love it, but while trying to pack up our house and deal with the holidays, it's made life a little difficult. Cooper crawls after me crying, Lucas sits and bounces while screaming, and Hayden just wraps himself around my legs and I have to drag him around with me.
The twins are teething like crazy. Luke has his bottom two teeth, Cooper has bottom two and one on top. My nipples are so sore, I can barely stand it! Lucas is constantly biting me while breastfeeding. I'm finally ready to start weaning, but the boys just will not cooperate. They won't take bottles if I'm around and they don't really like sippy cups either. I'd prefer to go straight to sippy cups so that I don't have to wean them from breast, bottle, AND sippys, but I don't know how that's going to happen.
We had the twins' 9 month check-up (at 10 months old) last Monday. Lucas is 20lb4oz & 29.25" long. Cooper is 19lb9oz & 29.75" long. My big, chunky boys! I'm so proud :D
Not so happy news is that both of them missed their milestones this visit. Cooper crawls, but isn't pulling up or cruising. Lucas isn't pulling up, cruising, or crawling. Lucas also missed his milestones (rolling over) at his 6 month check-up so he has been referred to Early Intervention for Phyiscal Therapy. Hopefully it won't take long to get His-Laziness back on track.
Hayden is... well, he's two. It's, honestly, terrible. The fit throwing and utter defiance has me pushed to my limits. It amazes me that one minute he will crawl into my lap for snuggles and kisses and then 5 minutes later he is terrorizing his brothers or tearing something apart.
He needs to potty-train, but won't. He refuses. I know he is ready. He came to me the other day and said to me, "Mommy, stinky butt. Change diaper." Why does he get upset when I ask him to use the potty?! Why? What am I doing wrong? I just don't understand.
Punishment is just a nightmare as well. If I take away toys, he throws the worst fits I've ever seen. When I went to put him in time-out yesterday, he asked me to spank him because he wanted to watch cartoons and spanking was faster. Really? Really?! I mean, no, I don't spank him hard, it's just a pop and always on his diaper, so it isn't really a punishment, but it gets his attention. I only use the pop for special circumstances (playing with outlets, kicking his brother in the head, etc.) so please don't think I beat my children. I don't. I swear. Anyway, timeouts now require earplugs for me. He throws himself back against the wall and bangs his head while screaming until his time is up. I'm terrified he's going to hurt himself and I hate the screaming. I hate it hate it hate it.
:( Re-reading this, it sounds like my children are driving me mad. I assure you, they are, but I love every minute of it. I smile more now than I ever have. I never knew that such little people could bring such big happiness. Once we're moved and settled into the house, I know it will get better. I think the stress of, well, everything, is just weighing me down right now.
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